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IELTS Writing Task 2, Essay writing – Agree/Disagree Essay Sample Question And Answer

Want to Master the Writing Section of the IELTS Exam?

The Writing section often stands out as a crucial test of your language proficiency and communication skills in the IELTS exam. That’s why, we have created a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the intricacies of the IELTS Writing section.

Whether you’re aiming to achieve a high band score or seeking to refine your writing abilities, today’s post is your ultimate companion in your quest for success.

Exam: IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

Module: Writing Section

Task: Writing Task 2 (W.T. 2)

Question Type: Agree/Disagree Essay

Sample Question Statement

Some people believe that the use of mobile phones in public places should be banned, while others disagree. Discuss both sides of this issue and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer (Band 8)

Mobile phones have become an integral part of modern society, and their usage in public places has generated substantial debate. While some argue that mobile phone use in public spaces should be prohibited, I firmly believe that individuals should have the freedom to use their phones responsibly, provided they respect their surroundings and fellow citizens.

On one hand, proponents of a ban on mobile phone use in public places emphasize the potential disruption caused by phone conversations and loud ringtones. These interruptions can be particularly irksome in settings such as libraries, theaters, and public transportation. Moreover, they argue that excessive mobile phone use may lead to social isolation, as people become engrossed in their devices rather than engaging with others around them. This detachment from real-life interactions could have negative psychological implications, affecting our ability to form meaningful relationships.

Conversely, those who oppose a blanket ban on mobile phones argue that such a restriction would infringe upon personal freedom. Mobile devices serve various purposes beyond communication, including navigation, emergency assistance, and immediate access to information. Banning their use might limit individuals’ ability to address unforeseen circumstances efficiently. Furthermore, people have different preferences and habits regarding their surroundings. As long as they use their phones discreetly and with consideration for others, their freedom to do so should be preserved.

In my opinion, a complete prohibition of mobile phone use in public spaces is neither practical nor fair. Instead, authorities should promote guidelines for responsible mobile phone usage. For instance, creating designated zones for phone calls or encouraging individuals to switch their devices to silent mode could help strike a balance between personal freedoms and public decorum.

In conclusion, the debate over mobile phone usage in public places is multifaceted. While there are valid concerns about potential disruptions and social detachment, a blanket ban on mobile phones would disregard their many practical applications and infringe upon personal freedoms. To mitigate the negative impacts, it is crucial to educate the public about responsible mobile phone use and encourage considerate behavior in shared spaces.

Do check out our other blogs for more Sample Questions and Answers for the IELTS exam as well as other topics (Spoken English, Grammar 101).